IMG 7720 Large

Thanks to everyone that came to Lake Goldsmith on Saturday to help clean up the shed after the floods, many hands make light work and the bulk of it was done in one day. 2 Ton final drives drain and refilled, all tractors checked, started and ran, cupboards, shelves and display cases all opened and cleaned, and our two fridges that did not survive were removed. In addition Richard got his generator dried out and running. With all the LGSPA excess materials now removed and the mezzaine in full use we have more room than ever and the shed looks neat and tidy!

 LG 2022 flood lineIMG 7711 LargeIMG 7710 LargeIMG 7714 LargeIMG 7716 LargeIMG 7719 LargeIMG 7721 LargeIMG 7723 LargeIMG 7727 Large

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